Planning and Consulting for Regional Development

Planning and Consulting for Regional Development

The essential condition to achieve economic and social goals is to have harmonized regional development. Wangtat’s planning and consulting services for regional development can accurately seize the key and veins of regional developmental policies in various countries and areas. These services value the incorporation of indigenous specialities and international perspectives, cover multiple disciplines, thoroughly focus on the Meso-economy through macro and micro perspectives. These will help utilize advantages and prevent disadvantages in aspects such as regional industrial characteristics, regional infrastructural construction demands, and regional social developmental needs. As a result, we have excellent foresight and realization abilities to help clients solve problems and provide resource-integration platforms in the process of regional developmental planning. Over the years, Wangtat has been providing long-term services to regions such as Zhuhai Hengqin, Guangzhou Nansha, Foshan New-city, and Dongguan. Making Wangtat the “Professional developmental platform for societal brain trust agency and resource integration”.

Wangtat’s services includes: